PDAs/Calculadoras en Soledad de Graciano Sánchez

En venta: apple iphone 3g-s 32gb/ nokia n97 32gb/ samsung i8910 omnia.

En venta: apple iphone 3g-s 32gb/ nokia n97 32gb/ samsung i8910 omnia.

En venta: apple iphone 3g-s 32gb/ nokia n97 32gb/ samsung i8910 omnia. ======================================= brand new apple iphone 3gs 32gb (unlocked) with full accessories apple iphone 3gs 32gb introducing the new iphone 3gs! 3gs gives you fast access to the internet and email over your cellular network. And 3gs makes it easier to multitask: when connected via 3g, you can surf the web even while you re on a call. An ipod, phone, and an internet mobile communicator in one device. 3.5 inch wide touchscreen display with multi-touch s.


Precio: 400$

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